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There is a saying: “Health is not valued until it is weakened.” When lying flat on the bed, breathing becomes difficult, tired to the point of being unable to do anything, perhaps in your mind a few questions will pop up in your mind, how long will it take to get well? or not? Why not prevent disease sooner? Biophap always hopes questions like these will rarely happen because you now understand what you need to do to protect your respiratory system.
#Herbal_steam_bath is the easiest way to help you strengthen your immune system and fight the Covid epidemic. According to medical researchers, among the daily activities, herbal steam baths help promote the body’s inherent natural healing system and prevent health problems, especially the respiratory system. Daily bathing and inhalation with essential oils of herbal leaves can kill or disable the pathogenicity of viruses that are clinging to our respiratory system, or in the air.
In the context of the complicated development of acute respiratory infections caused by a new strain of #Corona_virus (COVID -19), protecting the respiratory system is even more important. Many articles and health information sites recommend saunas. As Dr. Christopher Czaja, infection control specialist at the Jewish National Health Hospital in Denver said, “Inhaling warm, moist air can help thin out and loosen mucus” (1). Dr. Huynh Tan Vu, Head of the treatment unit at Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Campus 3, said: With the effect of heat, botanical antibiotics and essential oils secreted from herbs help disinfect nose and throat, increase respiratory air, fight infection, eliminate sweat, detoxify the body, relax…” (2)
Biophap’s #herbal_steam_bath is a combination of ingredients with active ingredients that are beneficial to the respiratory tract when inhaled:
#Organic_Lemongrass: The active ingredient Limonene in Lemongrass helps to disinfect the respiratory tract when it evaporates during facial steaming.
#Organic_Mint: Quality anti-inflammatory rosmarinic acid present in the plant ingredient. In addition, it also treats rhinitis, infection prevention and management congestion, fungal infections.
#Organic_Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris): The active ingredient Cineol in the study has the ability to make mucus, helping the respiratory tract to clear.
#Organic_Ginger: Ginger is a rich source of the active ingredient Gingerol – which has anesthetic, soothing, antipyretic and antibacterial properties for the respiratory tract.
#Organic_Lime_Leaves: Citric Acid is active in lime leaves – an antiseptic that fights viruses and bacteria.
#Organic_Pomelo_Leaves: The active ingredient Limonene in the owner’s leaves has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress, and respiratory antiseptic effects.
With the current situation of social distancing, it is very difficult to buy all kinds of materials for steaming. This is also the reason why each family, each person needs to prepare an organic herbal steam bath product of Biophap. With completely natural herbal ingredients, no chemicals is the best solution in the current epidemic season to actively protect the respiratory system of yourself and your family.