Some people think that farmers just spending most of time on the farm to work, but few people know that we are also technology farmers. We also “check mail”, use work exchange tools and using “Zoom app” to meeting daily with co-workers, information storage and manual processes on the cloud to prepare for data digitization and product traceability. Connecting to the digital world not only help my work, but also brings activity and diversity to our life and makes it easy to connect with the world around us with Facebook, Instagram, etc.
But did you know? Everything has a pros and cons. As the amount of information digital brings only grows and increases, not stops, we will be easily governed by it. We often have trend to forget its harmful effects on body and mind. As a result, the power of concentration are reduced and work performance is affected. Especially in the context of the complicated Covid 19 epidemic , people use smartphone more than normal to get into the virtual world.
As an Organic smart Farmer, we understand what is best for us. We don’t choose a smartphone to regulate our mind and body, we choose another connection outside the digital world to bring positivity, joy and strength to our lives. By reducing the use of digital (digital toxic), you can find new ways to improve your quality, emotions, and well-being. Here are a few ways we advice you:
👉Physical activity: Sports always help you get mentally refreshed. You can spend time doing light exercises while “staying at home” like Yoga, meditation, walking, pilates, etc.
👉Work in interesting places: A covered room, a boring workspace can trigger a hunger for dopamine (A happy hormone) in the brain, giving you into the stimulating rich world of the Internet. Whether you’re working from home or the office, try to make a comfortable place and neat desk to create a sense of excitement while working.
👉Make a list of task that need the internet: we should only spend time connecting to the internet for those tasks, to avoid being distracted in the virtual world.
Digital detox does not mean removing limitations altogether. It is simply moderation and consideration when using electronic devices as well as applications of the digital. Disconnecting to regenerate a new connection helps you to be physically and mentally ready to launch better relationships and jobs.
If your social media use makes you feel negative, stop and turn off your phone, take a day to relax, meditate or do yoga and pamp yourself this weekend!