We introduce you to our Broccoli on farm!!!
Broccoli is a nutrient-dense vegetable, but they are “difficult to please” species in the garden. On unsettled weather days or hot and humid storage conditions, the beauty of broccoli goes downhill without braking.
Broccoli is rich in vitamin C and fiber, and contains many naturally occurring chemical compounds called carotenoids. It is also a rich source of indole-3-carbinol, a chemical that enhances the ability of cells to regenerate DNA and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
🥦Promotes prostate health: a diet rich in broccoli reduces the risk of prostate cancer
🥦Good for skin: Broccoli contains pantothenic acid, beta-carotene (a precursor to vitamin A) and sulfur compounds, all of which are good for the skin. Broccoli is also rich in vitamins, which aid in collagen synthesis and repair of damaged tissue cells.
🥦Boosts immunity: Broccoli is rich in vitamin C, more than citrus fruits and rich in the antioxidant beta-carotene. Broccoli is considered an ideal food source to help maintain immunity.
Whether eaten raw or cooked, broccoli is a great source of nutrients, so add it to your family’s diet today.
Broccoli is the worm’s favorite food, when this plant has just sprouted leaves, they will eat up all. To have an eye-catching green color and yield, many farmers have to apply nitrogen fertilizer and spray pesticides before harvesting. In addition, they also spray chemicals to prolong the green freshness of broccoli. And if so, when you eat broccoli and still have chemical residues, we accidentally absorb toxic chemicals into people. This can cause you to get food poisoning and worse, the cells will mutate and cause cancer.
So please contact biophap to buy organic and safe broccoli.
🏠Store: 140 (new number) Thi Sach, Thang Loi ward, Kon Tum city.
🌐Website: https://www.biophap.com/vi/san-pham
☎️Contact the sales team: 09 81 56 14 35 or inbox biophap page for information about delivery service.
💲Retail price: 45,000 VND/kg