Our Milestones

Our milestones


All started with a dream of a young woman: a dream of finding a fine balance between human and nature, a dream of preserving the Mother Nature before taking anything from her.
The idea of initiating organic agriculture in one of the most distant and also the poorest areas in Vietnam was born from that dream…


Biophap was founded in 2015 in Central Highlands by Ha Giang, a young vietnamese woman living abroad, willing to use her expertise and her entrepreneurship to initiate, share and expand what she believes in the most: organic and sustainable agriculture. Very quickly she gathered a young team around this ambitious and meaningful project among which are two co-founders of Biophap, Marc Binet and Alexis Tavernier, both experts in organic agriculture, both from France and both having felt in love with the people and the region of Central Highlands.


Biophap has succeeded in initiating 5 farms of 50 ha and more than 300 biodiversity plant species, planting more than 23 642 trees while preserving the ecosystem of Central Highlands (we talk about agro-forestry). We have been involving the Bahnar (an ethnic minority in Vietnam) in all of Biophap projects with local authority support.


The first project of Biophap with the Bahnar is the production of more than a ton of turmeric powder, issued from organic agriculture, planted and harvested by our very own hands. It was also the first time that a Vietnamese project won the 1st prize of “100 projects against climate change” contest, endorsed and sponsored by the French Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Marine Affairs in 2016.

Today, Biophap is one of very few Vietnamese organic producers being
certified by 3 prestigious labels.


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Our Milestones


Our Milestones

Agricultural Technology

Our Milestones


Our Milestones
