According to Traditional Medicine, Mugwort is used to cure respiratory infections, heal wounds, prolong life, reduce fever, and, notably, “intermittent fevers”.
And did you know that: There is a plant related to Mugwort named Artemisia annua belonging to the Asteraceae family, which is said to have active ingredients that hinder the development of the Covid Virus- 19?
Here is the latest news shared about this:
The latest research states that: “A. annua constituents may impede the SARS-CoV-2 attachment, membrane fusion, internalization into the host cells, and hinder the viral replication and transcription process. The combination of A. annua’s biological properties, action on different signaling pathways and target proteins, and a multi-drug combined-therapy approach may synergistically inhibit SARS-CoV-2 and assist in the COVID-19 treatment. Also, A. annua may modulate the host immune response to better fight the infection.”
These are valuable positive feedbacks for the time when the covid epidemic is complicated even though it is still in the research process.
Our ancestors used to say: “Rice without vegetables is like pain without medicine”, but bitter medicine can cure sickness. Food is one of the most powerful remedies we have, and it’s also the most overlooked and forgotten choice. If Artemisia annua is said to be effective in the treatment of Covid-19, do not forget to add Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) – a popular vegetable with many medicinal uses to your family meal every day. So what are you waiting for, do not order Biophap organic Mugwort to cook with your family this weekend.
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