We won’t notice that the pomelo tree has grown so fiercely until we look at the images recorded in the weekly diary if we focus too much on a familiar farm.
A smart farmer would know how to take the time to photograph each stage of plant development in order to examine and analyze it. Otherwise, you will be unaware that your “children” have experienced any physical or mental changes? Then make the necessary adjustments to the food as well as the amount of water they require. You won’t detect the physical difference at such a close range.
The act of photographing the tree log is also an act of transparency in our farm’s production process. Images are vital information to make buyers feel more comfortable tracing the origin, especially in this 4.0 era. Even the most distant customers will understand how difficult it is for you to care for and add value to your plants.
The last thing you understand is that with a little patience, planning, and effort spent on each progress photo, you will reap advantages not only for your business but also for regaining consumer trust. Right?